developing a more
sustainable country
food value chains reinvented
through technology and education
The Green Imperative Project (GIP) is the largest agricultural project in Africa and prioritises the development of sustainable, low-carbon agriculture. Green Imperative aims to develop structural conditions to boost food production in Nigeria in an efficient and competitive manner.
The Green Imperative Project’s main line of work is the development of food production value chains through the development of Service Centres for agricultural and livestock production, which will support small farmers in agricultural mechanisation, technical assistance and access to the market.
The training, capacity building and technology transfer activities will be implemented based on the Brazilian technological package, which will aim to increase productivity and profitability and improve the quality of agricultural products.
The Green Imperative Project is a comprehensive technology transfer program that will promote increased efficiency in Nigerian agriculture to produce healthy food in quantity and quality for the domestic and regional market.
The main objective is to produce more of each hectare of land through sustainable agriculture which respects the environment, local populations, promoting national production in order to reduce food prices and consequently allowing access to the Nigerian population.
Bilateral Program
The largest technology transfer ever made between countries for food production. Brazil and Nigeria have important similarities that bring them together they have a large population, both countries have a strong representation on their continents, arable land and a very rich cultural diversity.
In the last 50 years, Brazilian agriculture has undergone a major transformation. Brazil has developed cutting-edge tropical agricultural technology, capable of significantly increasing productivity in the field and positioning the country from a net food importer to a major exporter.
The Green Imperative Project will receive the entire package of Brazilian knowledge and know-how to transform its agriculture and livestock and become the largest food producer in Africa.
That partnership will produce the driving force necessary to carry out a major agricultural transformation in Nigeria, generating new jobs and large investments for the food sector.
The executing unit will be FGV Europe, the main Brazilian THINK TANK and the 5th largest in the world. It has extensive experience in international agro-industrial projects, offering support to the Brazilian government in several areas, through strategic projects.
The International Centre for Innovation and Agricultural Technology Transfer (CIITTA), brings together the main Brazilian public and private institutions in the agricultural sector and will be responsible for the transfer of technology and know-how for the Green Imperative project.
the sustainable path for the development of strong agriculture
the main focus of the green imperative project
main focus
service centres
The Service Centres will be the main elements of success in the project’s implementation structure. They will offer a technological package consisting of machine and equipment services (mechanisation and agricultural processing), quality inputs (hybrid varieties of improved seeds, fertilisers and pesticides), technical assistance and training for small farmers in order to guarantee consistent results of productivity and quality of agricultural production.
Through the technological package offered to small farmers, they will reach a significant increase in the productivity and quality of their products.
In total, 774 private service centres will be created, well distributed throughout Nigeria. These Service Centres will have a permanent stock of quality inputs, as well as storage and processing capacity for smallholder farmers’ products.
The Service Centres will be implemented based on value chains, according to the comparative and complementary advantage of each region, state and municipality where they will be located. Each value chain will have its specific technological package and adequate training offered by its service centre, in order to guarantee competitive production and in line with market demand.
Young technicians, from the Npower Agro Program of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, will join the technical staff of the Service Centres to be trained to provide agricultural extension services and production planning, carried out in partnership with small producers and focused on market demands.
The selection of private operators for the Service Centres will be according to the following technical criteria:
• Candidates’ financial and technical capacity;
• Business plan evaluation (each candidate must present a business plan to be analysed by independent and competent evaluators in a transparent manner);
• Interview with candidates: Discussion of the business plan and evaluation of agricultural experience and management skills;
• Ownership of land located among primary producers for their own production, as well as space for tractors and implements to provide
services to small farmers, as well as factory space for adding value and processing.
Service Centre type 1
Primary production
• Primary Production Mechanisation: clearing of new areas for cultivation, soil preparation, disking, levelling, mechanised planting, spraying, and mechanised harvest.
• Primary animal production: animal breeding and fattening (cattle, birds, fish etc)
• Optimised yield and improved productivity: improved seeds, fertilisers, pesticides, agricultural extension training and services.
Service Centre type 2
• Food processing: carry out industrial processing (or pre-processing) basic production activities of Type 1 Service Centres.
• Industrial processing will bring additional benefits, such as increased product life, standardisation, import substitution, reduction of post-harvest losses and market access for small farmers
Technical training in agricultural production for the dissemination of best practices in crop management;
Availability of production inputs: hybrid seeds, fertilisers and pesticides, among others;
Pesticide application services to combat pests and diseases (ensuring regional protection effectiveness);
Agricultural planning: How to produce and in what quantity and quality;
Principles of Fair Trade: contracts for the purchase of agricultural products with the Service Centres directly from the producer, without intermediaries.
Technical training for the dissemination of good practices;
Availability of production inputs: Vaccines, semen, embryos, feeds, nutritional supplements, among others;
Artificial insemination services (ensuring the continuous genetic improvement);
Planning and management of technical and economic activities to ensure that productive resources are properly used, such as inputs, labour, equipment, among others.
Principles of Fair Trade: contracts for the purchase of animals for slaughter by the Service Centres directly from the primary producers, without intermediaries.
The Green Imperative implementation phase will have 4 distinct and complementary components:
Preparatory work
• Implementation strategy for service centres and automakers;
• Logistic planning;
• Website platform for selecting suppliers and service centres;
•Training project and technology transfer;
• Monitoring and evaluation plan;
• Communication plan;
Project implementation
• Allocation of technical staff in Nigeria and Brazil.
• Execution of the purchasing process;
• Logistical integration in Nigeria and Brazil;
• Assembly of machines and equipment in Nigeria;
• Implementation of Call Centres;
• Transfer of agricultural and environmental know-how to technicians and extension workers;
• Monitoring of agricultural production;
• Active communication plan.
Training, capacity building and technology transfer
• Tractor and machine operators;
• Training for mechanical and repair technicians;
• Agricultural extension technicians;
• Entrepreneurship and management training for service centre managers;
• Transfer of technology for the production of seeds and inputs;
• Good sustainability practices in agricultural activity.
Monitoring and evaluation (kPIs)
• Service Centres and Assembly Plants
• Maintenance of machines and equipment;
• Machinery and equipment operations;
• Machine hours performed per hectare;
• Cost per hectare;
• Agricultural yields;
• General machine and implement performance
Measurement of general results
• Agricultural production;
• Livestock production;
• Social and environmental;
• Financial performance.